what is Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb in Indian Ayurvedic medicine and accepted widely because of  its infinite health benefits. Considering its immense benefits , several Ayurveda textbooks specified Ashwagandha as the “Queen of Herbs”.  It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties that boost the immune system. Taking into consideration of its energetic element Withanolides , Ashwagandha termed as adaptogenic . Thus  Ashwagandha  benefits in counterbalance hormones levels and immune cells levels, to create balance in the body and support immune system and subsequently manage stress and give protection against different disease. From ashwagandha  leaves 62 and from roots 48 major metabolites have been identified. Vithafarin-A and withanone found in the leaves of Ashwagandha have cancer-resistant properties. Ashwagandha is one among the 32 most demanded medicinal plants in domestically and internationally as selected by the National Medicinal Plant Board of India. Ashwagandha benefits has also been included in the World Health Organization (WHO) monograph among selected medicinal plants due to its immense medicinal potential.Thus Ashwagandha  benefits is tremendous as compared to Ashwagandha side effects which is too little.

Ashwagandha Benefits and Uses With Side Effects

Ashwagandha plant (Withania somnifera),Indian Ginseng, poison gooseberry or Winter Cherry is a small shrub that is native to India and North Africa. Ashwagandha meaning in Sanskrit language is combination of the word ashva, meaning horse, and gandha, meaning smell, as the root of the plant is described as being horse-like. Traditionally, it is believed that a person who consumes this herbal medicine will gain horse-like strength and stamina. Sanskrit language and is a combination of the word ashva, meaning horse, and gandha, meaning smell, as the root of the plant is described as being horse-like. Aswagandha benefits and side effects describe each and every aspect of Aswagandha in details.

Dr Ashutosh Gautam, Clinical Operations and Coordination Manager at Baidyanath says, Ashwagandha has hormone balancing, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties to restrict and deal with different diseases along with boosting immunity, anti-ageing, joint pain and insomnia. 

Ashwagandha obstruct protein that encourage COVID-19

Recently, researchers from IIT- Delhi and National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology – Japan found that Ashwagandha might prove to be beneficial in fighting against covid19. The researchers discovered that Ashwagandha has a natural compound called Withanone (Wi-N), which can block the activity of Mpro or Main protease – a type of protein essential for the reproduction of the coronavirus.

Ashwagandha Benefits and Uses With Side Effects

Ashwagandha Plant benefits

Ayurvedic experts believe that ashwagandha is rich in biologically active entity like amino acids, peptides, lipids, and the bases of nucleic acids. The root of the ashwagandha plant has medicinal benefits along with calming effect on the nervous system. 

1)Ashwagandha Leaves Benefits

Ashwagandha leaves has pain removing and antioxidant properties ,which are used for treating a viral infection, cough and cold symptoms, fever and chronic pain.


  • Antioxidant properties–Antioxidants are substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals.


2)Ashwagandha Flowers Benefits

Ashwagandha flowers have great diuretic and sexual desire stimulating properties which is used for treating kidney problems and improving fertility.


  • Diuretic – increases the flow of urine, promote the removal from the body of excess water, salts, poisons, and accumulated metabolic.


3)Ashwagandha Seeds Benefits

The seeds have properties to destroy parasitic worms and are used for preventing and treating infectious diseases and parasitic attack.

4)Ashwagandha Roots Benefits

Ashwagandha roots are the valuable part of the plant used in many composition. The root has great anti-helminthic, antioxidant, anti-depressant, anti-diabetic properties thus used for curing neural problems, diabetes, constipation, infertility, skin disorders etc.

Note :

  • Anti-helminthic – destroying parasitic worms.


Ashwagandha Benefits and Side Effects 

A)Aswagandha Health Benefits

1)Ashwagandha benefits for immunity-boosting 

It has amazing anti-inflammatory ,disease-fighting immune cells and antioxidant properties that makes immune system strong and make it a natural immunity booster so that it can overcome attacking viruses and avoid illness. It also boosts body’s defence mechanism by defeat pro-inflammatory elements like cytokines. Therefore it works as immunomodulator used for boosting immunity for kids and adults. It also helps the body to  develop antibodies, hence improving its response to a health risk.

Note : 

  • cytokines are a group of proteins secreted by cells of the immune system that act as chemical messengers
  • pro-inflammatory-  capable of promoting inflammation


Ashwagandha benefits and side effects

Survey report for immunity-boosting 

University of Michigan Medicine notes that ashwagandha is an immune system stimulant, helping the body to overthrow infection by increasing the levels of sickness-fighting white blood cells and platelets.

One animal study found that ashwagandha strengthened the immune system in mice with increase in white blood cells.In fact, many studies on animals have shown that ashwagandha can produce immunoglobulin and increase body’s immune response. 

2)Ashwagandha benefits for balance blood sugar in diabetics 

Ashwagandha activate the production of insulin from the pancreatic β-cells and helps to reduce the breakdown of starch into glucose which in turn leads to low blood glucose levels. It has been shown to stabilise blood sugar levels, reducing blood sugar when it’s too high or increasing it if too low. The flavonoids in the leaf and root extracts of the ashwagandha can help improve insulin sensitivity and treat diabetes. The excellent hypoglycaemic property of ashwagandha plays a significant role in reduce the blood sugar level of the body. 


  • Flavonoids are a group of plant metabolites thought to provide health benefits through cell signalling pathways and antioxidant effects.
  • hypoglycaemic- low blood sugar


Ashwagandha benefits and side effects

Survey report for balance blood sugar in diabetics 

Research suggests that Ashwagandha can lower blood sugar levels as it help improve insulin sensitivity in muscle cells and increase insulin secretion. In several studies, ashwagandha has been shown to lower blood sugar levels.

In a 4-week study in people with chronic diabetic, those treated with ashwagandha had an average reduction in fasting blood sugar levels of 13.5 mg/dL, compared with 4.5 mg/dL in those who received a placebo. 

Studies show strong support in favour of Ashwagandha helping to regulate blood sugar. A results of a small study of six individuals with Type 2 diabetes found that ashwagandha effectively reduced blood sugar levels in the body. 

Another report published in International Journal of Molecular Sciences found that specific plant compounds ,flavonoids – in the roots and leaves of ashwagandha successfully helped rats achieve normal blood sugar levels.

3)Ashwagandha benefits for reduce stress and anxiety

 It contains anti-stress properties to prevent anxiety and stress. It supports Adrenal glands which produce hormones that help regulate metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, response to stress and other essential functions .

Ashwagandha restricts high levels of cortisol or the stress hormone, thus helpful to overcome stress, relieve physical and mental pressure and overthrown depression.Because of such benefits, it is used in depressant and antidepressants drugs.

Note :

  • depressant drug – A type of drug that slows down brain activity, which causes the muscles to relax and calms and soothes a person.
  • Cortisol is a steroid hormone that regulates metabolism ,stress and the immune response.
  • antidepressants drugs -balancing chemicals in brain called neurotransmitters that affect mood and emotions.


Ashwagandha benefits and side effects

Survey report for reduce stress and anxiety

The results, published in the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine show that Ashwagandha helps for relaxation. Several studies prove that Ashwagandha can improve stress ,anxiety and illness that disrupts normal physical or mental function.

Result shows considerably greater reductions in cortisol i.e. on average 30% reduction when supplemented with ashwagandha.

In a 60-day study in 64 people with chronic stress, those in the group that supplemented with ashwagandha reported a 69% reduction in anxiety and insomnia on average. In another 6-week study, 88% of people who took ashwagandha reported a reduction in anxiety.  

4)Ashwagandha benefits for reduce depression

Ashwagandha has anxiolytic properties(reduce anxiety) which relieve the symptoms of depression. It helps the body to adjusting to different  emotional and physical stress and undisturbed the central nervous system along with reducing symptoms of anxiety and anxious mood and stress by decreasing cortisol levels .Moreover,It signify the growth of nerve cells, protect the brain cells and soothe the brain.

Ashwagandha benefits and side effects

Survey report for reducing depression

Researchers are interested in Ashwagandha’s ability to reduce the symptoms of depression. In one controlled 60-day study in 64 stressed adults, those who took 600 mg of high-concentration ashwagandha extract per day reported a 79% reduction in severe depression.

 In 2012, a study found in a arbitrary, placebo-controlled trial that ashwagandha root improved the ability to deal with stress. An older study from 2000 also reported  that ashwagandha have a useful impact on mood swing. Some studies also found that taking ashwagandha has a positive effect on mental disorder and depression. 

5)Ashwagandha benefits for Improves learning, memory and reaction time

Ashwagandha promotes antioxidant activity to protect the nerve cells from harmful free radicals. It improves memory and brain function thus used in ayurvedic medicines for boosting memory power. Ashwagandha taken in small to medium quantities aids in improving general memory, task performance and attention.

6)Ashwagandha benefits for Increases energy, stamina and strength

Ashwagandha root has been used to build up strength, energy and spirit. It is used from centuries as a general body tonic , which makes feel stronger and healthier like Chyawanprash.

It has been shown to significantly impact athletic performance by improving heart and lung capacity while increasing energy levels.It is very useful for new mothers in get back to their strength, maintaining energy levels.It is known to improve energy, increase stamina and endurance.In Ayurveda, Ashwagandha is referred to as balya , means giving strength in weakness. 

7)Ashwagandha benefits for thyroid issues 

The thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland located in neck. When the thyroid is not in perfect balance, it can lead to issues like weight gain,hair loss,brain fog. Ashwagandha helpful for thyroid issues where TSH is high or thyroid-stimulating hormone is disturbed. Studies demonstrate its positively impact on thyroid function by stimulating thyroid hormone activity.

8)Ashwagandha benefits for encouraging hormone balance

“Ashwagandha also acts on the endocrine system by encouraging hormone balance”, says  Dr Ashutosh Gautam, Clinical Operations and Coordination Manager at Baidyanath. It reduces symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings during menopause.

9)Ashwagandha benefits for increase milk production

Ashwagandha has been used in Ayurveda to boost milk production since long. High stress and anxiety can have negative impacts on milk supply indirectly thus ashwagandha plays significant role in it.

10)Ashwagandha benefits for wound healing

 Ashwagandha works wonder for wound healing. Fresh leaves were used to heal joint pains, skin sores and to reduce swelling.

11)Ashwagandha benefits for lower cholesterol and triglycerides

Ashwagandha anti-inflammatory properties reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels surprisingly. Animal studies have found that it significantly decreases levels of these blood fats. 

Ashwagandha benefits and side effects

Survey report for lower cholesterol and triglycerides

In a 60-day study in chronically adults, the group taking the highest dosage of standardized ashwagandha extract experienced a 17% decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol and an 11% decrease in triglycerides, on average .

One study in rats found that it lowered total cholesterol and triglyceride levels by 53% and nearly 45%, respectively. 

A study done by the University of Arizona and published in the World Journal of Medical Sciences noted the ashwagandha anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties helpful for the heart function.

12)Ashwagandha benefits for heart disease

Ashwagandha is extremely benefited in treating various heart disease due to antioxidative nature (a substance reduces damage from free radicals). It strengthens the heart muscles, prevents lipid build up in the blood vessels, control high blood pressure and hence reduces the risk of heart attacks, heart blocks, blood clots etc. It lowering the levels of cholesterol and triglyceride in the blood , which  lessen the chances of developing cardiovascular diseases. 

13)Ashwagandha benefits as Anticancer properties

Animal and test-tube studies shown that withaferin, a bioactive compound in ashwagandha, erase pre-cancerous and virus-infected cells and stop tumour cell growth and also effective against several types of cancer such as breast, colon, lung, brain and ovarian cancer by encouraging the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) inside cancer cells for damaging their function. 

Ashwagandha benefits and side effects

Survey report as anticancer properties

In one study, mice with ovarian tumors treated with withaferin alone or in combination with an anti-cancer drug showed a 70–80% reduction in tumor growth. The treatment also prevented the spread of cancer to other organs 

The ASCO Post, a publishing partner of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, reports: “In preclinical studies, withanolides were found to be effective in growth of breast, colon, and lung cancer cells without affecting normal cells.”  Withanolides are naturally-occurring steroids found in ashwagandha.

Another cancer study done on mice with ovarian tumors used ashwagandha alone and in combination with anti-cancer drugs. The mice used experienced a 70–80% reduction in tumor growth, and the spread of cancer to other organs in the body was also limited. 

14)Ashwagandha benefits for Pregnancy

Ashwagandha has traditionally been used during pregnancy in Ayurvedic. It is believed to give strength and energy to the mother and the fetus, when taken in controlled portions (Ayurveda recommends 1/2 tsp per day). However it induce abortion in animals when given in very large doses. 

15)Ashwagandha benefits for increase fertility in men and women

Ashwagandha helps in increase testosterone levels and significantly boosts sperm quality and fertility in men. It supports reproductive system and stamina in men by improving sperm count and semen quality. It has a powerful effects on sexual desire and menstrual cycles. Ashwagandha energise DHEA , which is a forbear to both testosterone and estrogen. Thus, Ashwagandha not only increases testosterone but is also good for other male sexual disorders like erectile dysfunction. Due to its antioxidant property, It helps to fight against the free radicals which prevents damage and death of sperm cells.

Chronic stress may lead to sexual dysfunctions in females. This can be in the form of lack of sexual arousal, orgasmic disorders or hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Ashwagandha acts on the nervous system and reduces the level of stress hormone-Cortisol. This helps reduce stress-related sexual problems. Consequently ashwagandha helps to improves the reproductive process in both men and women.

Note :

  • DHEA- a hormone found in the adrenal glands that helps to make other hormones, like testosterone and estrogen.


Ashwagandha benefits and side effects

Survey report for increase fertility in men and women

In one study in 75 infertile men, the group treated with ashwagandha showed increased sperm count , forward progressions and antioxidant levels in their blood.

In another study, men who received ashwagandha experienced higher antioxidant levels and better sperm quality. After 3 months of treatment, 14% of the men’s partners had become pregnant 

Ashwagandha support the endocrine system, which is a vital component of healthy reproduction. It enhances endocrine function by relieving adrenal stress. One study found that ashwagandha’s remedial properties supported male infertility treatment.

16)Ashwagandha benefits for fights Infection and reduces inflammation

Ashwagandha has strong anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties which help in fighting off sickness , healing wounds, and treating acne arose from bacteria and inflammation on the skin.It support immune cells action against infection and injury and fight with pathogens.

Ashwagandha help to decrease markers of inflammation i.e. C-reactive protein (CRP) which is linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Ashwagandha benefits and side effects

Survey report for fights Infection and reduces inflammation

In one controlled study, the group who took 250 mg of standardized ashwagandha extract daily had a 36% decrease in CRP, on average, compared with a 6% decrease in the placebo group. 

17)Ashwagandha benefits for Alzheimer’s treatment

According to the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, several studies have examined ashwagandha’s ability to slow or prevent loss of brain function in people with diseases like Alzheimer’s, in which brain and its connective paths become damaged and leads to loss of memory and brain function.

Ashwagandha benefits and side effects

Survey report for Alzheimer’s treatment

Research suggests that ashwagandha, when given to mice and rats during the early disease stages, may be able to offer protection. The Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation notes that while ashwagandha is used to improve cognitive function, the results available from research are very limited, but promising.

18)Ashwagandha benefits for Arthritis

Ashwagandha is considered a pain reliever that acts on the nervous system to prevent pain signals from being sent. Ashwagandha is a long-standing Ayurvedic remedy for arthritis and is usually taken in conjunction with other herbs like boswellia and turmeric to increase benefits.

Ashwagandha benefits and side effects

Survey report for Arthritis

Study published in  Indian Journal of Medical Research  shows strong potential as a treatment option for rheumatoid arthritis.

Ashwagandha contains steroidal compounds that are beneficial to people with arthritis. According to  U.S. News & World Report  it can be taken indefinitely without side effects.

19)Ashwagandha benefits for increase muscle mass and strength

Ashwagandha has been shown to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and increase strength in men. 

Ashwagandha benefits and side effects

Survey report for increase muscle mass and strength

In a study to determine a safe and effective dosage for ashwagandha, healthy men who took 750–1,250 mg of  ashwagandha root per day gained muscle strength after 30 days. In another study, those who took ashwagandha had significantly greater gains in muscle strength and size. It also more than doubled their reductions in body fat percentage, compared with the placebo group 

20)Ashwagandha benefits for restful sleeping

The leaves of the plant contain the compound triethylene glycol, which promotes sleep induction. Thus ashwagandha help in trouble falling asleep after getting up at night for feeding or sleeping the baby. 

21)Ashwagandha benefits for Sharpens Memory and Focus

Ashwagandha is an excellent memory enhancer with improving one’s ability to grasp as well as retain information. Clinical Trials were conducted to ensure safety and efficacy of ashwagandha among children (age 8-12 years). The results indicate that ashwagandha can be used as memory enhancer, growth promoter, supplement for calm and relaxation and hematinic in growing children.It also helps to increases brain function and improves cognitive function.

Ashwagandha benefits and side effects

Survey report for Sharpens Memory and Focus

Clinical studies suggest that ashwagandha develop attention and behavioral control in children with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) by augmenting normal brain development. Ashwagandha develop the growth of neurons and slow down the activity of the enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter associated with cognition and memory.


  • acetylcholine- Neurotransmitter used at the neuromuscular junction. it is the chemical that motor neurons of the nervous system release in order to activate muscles.


22)Ashwagandha benefits for weight loss

Ashwagandha can be used to give the body strength and energy by boosting energy, rejuvenating the body, providing nourishment, reducing stress.

23)Ashwagandha benefits for  increases height

 It does help maintain good bone health and prevent bone damage. It helps in improving body composition and increases muscle mass and strength.

24)Ashwagandha benefits as rasayana (rejuvenative)

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years as a rasayana (rejuvenative). It is a renowned adaptogenic herb, which means it is used to help the body resist physiological and psychological stress by adapting to the needs of the body. Deeply supportive of many tissues and body systems and help nourishing overall health. It has dual energizing and calming effect which soothe the nervous system, eases stress and gets rid of sleeplessness. Ashwagandha is a potent adaptogen i.e. it is a non-toxic herb that helps to normalize all bodily functions, by working on the HPA axis and the neuroendocrine system.

In short Ashwagandha benefits for following disease Arthritis, Asthma, Leukaemia, Bronchitis,Anxiety, Bipolar disorder, Stress, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),Balance, Insomnia, Tumours, Tuberculosis,Chronic liver disease, Immunomodulatory effects, Improving cognitive function, Decreasing inflammation, Menstrual disorders, Preventing the effects of ageing, Reducing fatigue associated with chemotherapy, Reducing side effects associated with anti psychotic medications, Ulcerations, Hemiplegia (one-sided paralysis), Backache etc.

25)Ashwagandha benefits for men in boosting sex power

If you are struggling with problems like sex power, lack of desire for sex, loss of semen, premature ejaculation, then Ashwagandha is a powerful medicine that improves sexual ability in men. Ashwagandha increases the number of semen as well as increasing the quality. For people whose sex power is weak, Ashwagandha is a panacea( a remedy for all disease). It also increases sex power and  thickens Semen. Ashwagandha is very beneficial in removing impotence in men. It acts like a panacea in enhancing masculinity. Taking the powder with milk or water increases the sexual capacity of men along with boosting energy.


B)Ashwagandha Skin Benefits


26)Ashwagandha benefits for beauty 

Ashwagandha is used for treating oxidative free radical damage from sun rays. It’s an effective anti-ageing remedy to obtain youthful skin, treats wrinkles, fine line, spots, dark circles, reduces acne, pimples and  smooth, glowing skin.etc. 

27)Ashwagandha benefits for anti ageing

Its great antioxidant properties help protect the skin against free radical damage and slow down the ageing process by firming up skin .

28)Ashwagandha benefits for skincare

Ashwagandha develop the production of vital compounds and proteins for healthy skin which is naturally produced by body to retain water to keep tissues lubricated and moist for skin hydration called hyaluronan , 


  • hyaluronan- A protein that coil and recoils like a spring within the elastic fibers of connective tissue to keep the skin flexible called as elastin and collagen for skin strength. 


C)Ashwagandha Hair Benefits


29)Ashwagandha benefits for healthy hair

Ashwagandha treats various scalp and hair infections by its anti-microbial nature. It nourishes hair follicles with essential nutrients, improves blood circulation and makes hair stronger than roots. It also prevents hair loss and breakage due to stress and anxiety. It is also a great source of nutrition in the hair according to old age which nourishes the roots and prevents the hair from becoming white and keeps them healthy. It is also beneficial in hair roots and scalp related problems. Besides strengthening the roots, it also prevents other problems like dandruff etc. Ashwagandha is also known to make melanin of hair which retains the actual colour of the hair. 

Thus Ashwagandha  benefits and side effects are focused on great benefits with little side effects on particular cases.

Ashwagandha  Nature 

Ashwagandha’s nature is hot. Therefore, it can cause problems like gas, chaos, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sleep, due to excessive use.

Ashwagandha Benefits is Maximum at Which Time?

Ashwagandha can be taken on an empty stomach. If feeling discomfort with an empty stomach than taking it with a small amount of food. 

When should  ashwagandha take for anxiety?

The best time to consume ashwagandha for anxiety is at bedtime before you sleep. Thus for anxiety, stress and sleeplessness best time to consume ashwagandha is at bedtime before you sleep.

 Ashwagandha Dosage

Ashwagandha is available in 3 forms:

1. Tablet

2. Capsules

3. Powder (Churna)

Recommended dosage of Ashwagandha 

1. Ashwagandha Tablet – 1 tablet twice a day or as prescribed by the doctor

2. Ashwagandha Capsule – 1 capsule twice a day or as prescribed by the doctor.

3. Ashwagandha Powder (Churna) – 1/4-1/2 teaspoon twice a day or as prescribed by the doctor.


How To Take Ashwagandha 

1)With Warm Water / Milk  /  Honey

Traditionally, it is used as a powder mixed with honey and warm milk for calming vata and regulating sleep and wake cycles.

  • Take 1/4-1/2 teaspoon ashwagandha powder once or 2 times a day with warm water or milk.
  • or 1 teaspoon honey or have a cup of hot milk mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of ashwagandha powdered before bedtime , preferably 2 hours after meals.

2)Ashwagandha Tea

Take ½ teaspoon ashwagandha powder, 1 cup  water and 1 teaspoon honey. Boiling the powder in water and reducing it to half . Add honey to taste. Enjoy the immunity booster Ashwagandha tea.

3)Ashwagandha Tonic 

Take 1 teaspoons ashwagandha powder,2 cups milk,1 tablespoon raw sugar and ⅛ teaspoon cardamom. Simmer 1 to 2 teaspoons powdered ashwagandha in 2 cups milk over low heat for 15 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon raw sugar and ⅛ teaspoon cardamom and stir until well mixed. Turn off heat. Enjoy the immunity booster Ashwagandha tonic.

4)Ashwagandha kadha

Boil 1 cup of water in a bowl. Add one teaspoon of ashwagandha roots to it. Let it infuse for about 10-15 minutes. Strain it and add ½ teaspoon lemon juice and honey (as per taste) to it. Enjoy the immunity booster ashwagandha kadha.

5)Ashwagandha with Ghee

Roast an ounce of Ashwagandha powder in ghee and mix it with a tablespoon of raw sugar or jaggery . Eat this at least 20 minutes before breakfast, or later during the day with a cup of milk.

6)Ashwagandha Laddu

Take 1 1/2 tsp jaggery, 2 tsp Ashwagandha powder, pinch black salt and pinch black pepper. Powder the jaggery and add ashwagandha powder to it. Mix well. Add black salt and black pepper.Mix well and shape them into Laddus. Enjoy the immunity booster Ashwagandha Laddu.

How long does it take for ashwagandha to take effect?

How long does it take ashwagandha to work?

Ashwagandha benefits impact on the body shows within two weeks, It’s the quality of  ashwagandha supplement which makes prime difference. A high-concentration, full-spectrum extract is required to make the biggest impact of  ashwagandha on the body. It also  depends on the individual and for what reason they are consuming ashwagandha. It will also vary based on the current health condition of the person.

Ashwagandha Nutritional Value

aswagandha benefits


What are the side effects of ashwagandha? 

Ashwagandha Side Effects

There is no serious side effect of any kind with the use of ashwagandha. Use of ashwagandha is herbal and natural and safe. But even if the quantity of anything is taken more than necessary, its effect is not very good.

1)Ashwagandha side effects in Diabetes

If there is diabetes, blood sugar levels should be monitored regularly and use this herb cautiously. If patients are taking a medication to lower blood glucose it could make their levels go dangerously low. The consequences of low blood glucose can be just as dangerous as high blood sugar.The doctor should be consulted before using it, as the dose of medicines prescribed for diabetes may need to be adjusted or changed. 

2)Ashwagandha side effects in Pregnancy

Consumption of ashwagandha during pregnancy is prohibited.There is some evidence that ashwagandha might cause miscarriages.

3)Ashwagandha side effects in Breast-feeding

Women who are breastfeeding the child should not use it. Although there isn’t solid study to know whether ashwagandha is safe or not during breast-feeding but it is wise decision to stay on the safe side and avoid to use it.

4)Ashwagandha side effects in Above 5 years age.

Well, no one should take any medicine without asking a doctor, especially do not feed ashwagandha etc. to children below the age of 5 years.

5)Ashwagandha side effects in Immunosuppressants case

Ashwagandha may cause the immune system to become more active. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid ashwagandha along with immunosuppressants.

6)Ashwagandha side effects in Surgery

Ashwagandha may slow down the central nervous system hence anesthesia and other medications during and after surgery might increase this effect. it is advisable to avoid ashwagandha at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

7)Ashwagandha side effects in High or low blood pressure

Ashwagandha lower blood pressure.It should be used cautiously if you have low blood pressure or take medications for your blood pressure as it  reduces blood pressure levels so much that taking it with other drugs can be dangerous.

8)Ashwagandha side effects in Thyroid disorders

 Ashwagandha might increase thyroid hormone levels. Ashwagandha should be used cautiously or avoided if you have a thyroid condition or take thyroid hormone medications.

9)Ashwagandha sides effect in Allergic

Use ashwagandha or its constituents only under a doctor’s supervision if you are allergic to it.

10)Ashwagandha side effects in Stomach ulcers

Ashwagandha can irritate the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Avoid ashwagandha if  suffering from stomach ulcer.

11)Ashwagandha side effects in Patients with kidney disease

Patient who have kidney disease , consult a doctor before taking ashwagandha or its supplements because ashwagandha has diuretic properties which might lead to kidney sore.

12)Ashwagandha side effects in Auto-immune diseases

In Multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions, Ashwagandha might cause the immune system to become more active, and increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases. Thus better to avoid using ashwagandha in such cases.

People who are at a high risk for infection like transplant or are on chemo should avoid using ashwagandha.

Although ashwagandha supplements are generally well-tolerated when taken short-term (few months) in typical dosages, mild to moderate side effects such as headache, sleepiness, and stomach upset have been reported in clinical studies.

Thus aswagandha benefits and side effects are illustrated and covered every aspect.

Aswagandha Benefits and Side Effects 


Aswagandha benefits and side effects are currently subject of debate as covid19 is outspread rapidly. Ayurvedic medicine has been successfully using ashwagandha for several diseases without any major complications. The available scientific data support the conclusion that Ashwagandha is a real powerful tonic, due to its multiple health benefits like anti-stress, neuroprotective, antitumor, anti-arthritic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory etc. According to Ayush also Aswagandha benefits and side effects as strong immunity booster

Aswagandha Benefits and side effects as Immunity Booster Reference Article

Survey by The ministry of Ayush  on Aswagandha

Report on Ashwagandha the new HCQ ?

Refer Healthcare related articles

Giloy Benefits and uses

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