Be grateful for what you have. Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” —Oprah Winfrey.

Be grateful for what you

she’s friendly and talks continuously and eagerly, especially about things that are not important or just about anything. I can describe her as excessively talkative or fond of talking, and chatty. She asks a lot of questions about things that are not related to her. Narrate everything in detail whatever happened, how she spent time with her beloved father even feel very proud to be his princess of him. She is one of my online students who is restless in her study but very energetic and cheerful in life. Her days start with a fun and only fun. Her eyes always sparkled with joyous. I discussed her nature with even her father, but he smiled and told me I forgot my worries & everything when I listened to her, don’t want to change her, let her grow up in this way. 

After a few months suddenly she stopped attending classes. I messaged her father many times and called him but no response. At last, I thought she will not continue with me.

After many days her mother pinged me that she will attend the classes from the next Monday. I am very excited to meet her. Really I missed her very much during these days and feels unseen bonding with her. The wait is finally over. She joined the online class. She is a quiet, non-smiling girl, definitely, this one isn’t a girl at all that I know previously. Suddenly I felt she behaved like a mature one. I asked her what happens and why you are so silent dear, and she replied, my father, passed away in Corona. I am speechless and tears did not stop from my eyes and kept flowing. I felt she is extra quiet and had a million things on her mind. Negative feelings and thoughts can creep in, which can make it difficult to see the positives.


According to Epictetus, “He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” Thus, Be grateful for what you have.

Be grateful for what you have

1)Recognition of the positive things in our lives and how they affect us is very important. This can range from acknowledging a beautiful flower we pass on the sidewalk to the feeling of thanks that comes from recovering from a serious illness.

2)Always appreciate the valuable and meaningful things in our lives.

3)Study found that those who practiced gratitude reported being ‘considerably more satisfied with their lives as a whole.’ They felt more optimism about the future, as well as more connection with others. so always be grateful for what you have.

Please write your opinion or personal experiences if any, in the below comment box.  If you want, you can also post your articles on my website through the post my blog menu. 


Why should I adjust

Important of Adjustment

Confusion of Little one

One thought on “Be grateful for what you have

  1. Yes, you said it right….. what is the point to give energy to those things, which is not in our life.
    Your today’s subject, remind me of a gem of a person who came into my life….. she was my office colleague and has so charismatic personality that she finds positivity in every bad situation… and years had been passed……nothing has changed her faith…..till date.

    And thus being an inspiration of my life.

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