Category: Health and fitness
Ginger For Health
Ginger For Health and Medicine Benefits are numerous because of an active component Gingerol that makes it a perfect immunity booster. Gingerol inducing the production of heat properties that keeps the body […]
Garlic For Health
What is Garlic Garlic (Lahsoon ) is a health beneficial food that boosts immunity, fight with various infections, great for rejuvenation, healing of skin scars, helping keep the digestive system clean by […]
Ashwagandha Benefits in Hindi
अश्वगंधा के फायदे (Ashwagandha Benefits in Hindi) विषय सूची (Contents) अश्वगंधा क्या है (What is Ashwagandha?) अश्वगंधा के फायदे (Ashwagandha Benefits in Hindi) अश्वगंधा के फायदे सेहत के लिए(Ashwagandha Benefits For […]
Ashwagandha Benefits and Side Effects
what is Ashwagandha? Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb in Indian Ayurvedic medicine and accepted widely because of its infinite health benefits. Considering its immense benefits , several Ayurveda textbooks specified Ashwagandha […]
Giloy Benefits in Hindi
गिलोय क्या है? (What Is Giloy?) गिलोय का वैज्ञानिक नाम ‘टीनोस्पोरा कार्डीफोलिया’ (Tinospora Cordifolia) है। गिलोय अमृता, अमृतवल्ली अर्थात् कभी न सूखने वाली एक बड़ी लता है। इसका तना देखने में रस्सी […]
Giloy Benefits and Uses
Giloy’s scientific name is ‘Tinospora Cordifolia’. Giloy Amrita, Amritavalli is a large creeper that never dries up. Neem-Giloy i.e. Giloy wrapped on neem tree has been found to be of more medicinal […]
Immune system function
What is the Immune System? The immune system is the set of cells, tissues, organs, and processes of the body that work together to provide protection to our body against infection and toxins. […]
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