Amazing benefits of Gooseberry Or Amla for hair growth

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1)Amla, also called as Indian gooseberry, is immensely high in antioxidants or super-antioxidant in rank. Hence Amla for hair growth and hair problem is undoubtedly incomparable. In fact, it has the highest antioxidant levels. The antioxidant value of Amla berries dried mention in ORAC units is: 261,500 μ mol TE/100g. 

Amla contains 75 times the antioxidant power of Goji berries(Lycium barbarum), 60 times the antioxidant power of Pomegranate, 50 times the antioxidant power of raw Blueberries, 13 times the antioxidant power of black Raspberries, 2.5 times the antioxidant power of Acai berries, and 2 times the power of ground turmeric

It has the power to eliminate toxins in the body and serves as a great antioxidant. Due to its antioxidant potential, it is frequently used as a dietetics add-on in chyavanprash and other Ayurvedic medicines. 

Antioxidants in the body are consider to help protect against various diseases as they can negate oxidative damage caused by climate annoyance and  has been set out to reduce oxidative stress, thus slow down the formation of cell-damaging free radicals.

2)Amla aspect a high centering of Vitamin C, containing one of the highest doses in the entire plant kingdom. Not only do antioxidants slow down ageing, but also very powerful across free radicals. Since free radicals can damage a number of crucial parts of cells like proteins, cell membranes, and DNA. Antioxidant-rich Amla is a great Ayurvedic additive to fight the negative impact of free radicals on the body. 

3) Amla is treated as a potential house of antioxidants and vitamin C. vitamin C is an effective antioxidant and required to make collagen a key factor of hair strength. The vitamin is helpful in absorbing iron as iron is absolutely essential for hair health. Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties decrease oxidative stress (mismatch between the production of free radicals and the ability of the body to nullify their harmful effects) that damage cells in hair follicles thereby causing hair loss. This not only encourage healthy hair growth, but also refine hair pigmentation.

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4)In short Amla promotes Hair growth , Treats Dandruff,  Scalp cleanser, Improves pigmentation, Reduces greying of hair or restrict premature greying of hair, build up hair colour, nourishes hair or makes hair strong and healthy, Serves as a great antioxidant, Thickening of hair, Prevents frizzy hair,hair loss and hair damage. It adds Natural shine to the hair and works as conditioners for hair. 

5)Split ends are a result of detaching of opened cuticles. Amla has enough moisture that can prevent cuticles from diminishing thus split ends problem can be solved.

6)Carotene is an main ingredient found in amla for healthy and beautiful hair. Its Ellagic acid, Gallic acid and Carotene content improves blood circulation around the scalp thereby stimulating hair growth and also give relief from dry, itchy scalp. 

7)Amla is a usual immunity supporter and thus knowing as the most ideal hair care element. It hold lots of essence fatty acids, to strengthen hair follicles, hair strength and lustre and  get ride of unmanageable frizzy hair.

8)Amla limits dryness and helps in rebuilding moisture. It also removes the dead cells. 

9)Amla juice is great for cleansing the scalp. It nourishes the scalp and makes the hair shiny. The antioxidants present in amla, protect hair from various hair damages, caused by dust, pollution, smoke, and hair styling tools etc. Thus amla and its anti-microbial properties, not only remove hair odour but also remove the germs sticking on hair.

amla for hair growth

10)Amla’s Vitamin C, its anti-inflammatory plus its anti-bacterial properties can stop dandruff and also the itching caused by it, on the scalp.

11)Amla has vitamin C, which is aided by various minerals, nutrients, amino acids, and natural antioxidants known as flavonoid and polyphenols. That helps Amla in fighting against all the hair weakening factors and thickens hair and helps in avoiding hair thinning, baldness, and hair weakness.

12)Amla contains good amount of Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Carotene, Vitamin B Complex, Protein, Carbohydrates, Cholesterol and Sodium that helps strengthen hair from the roots and stimulates hair growth. 

Other benefits of Gooseberry Or Amla

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Apart from its super-antioxidant power, Amla is being advised for use in cancer prevention, treating inflammation, and in relation to diabetes and cardiovascular health.

Studies related to cancer prevention have suggested that amla possesses radiomodulatory, chemomodulatory, chemopreventive effects, free radical scavenging, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and immunomodulatory activities, all of which may be beneficial in cancer prevention.

Meanwhile, as further research is ongoing in relation to diabetes and cardiovascular health, amla has been shown to improve blood vessel function and has demonstrated a significant effect on lowering lipids.

Amla enhances food absorption, balances stomach acids, fortifies the liver, nourishes the brain and mental functioning, and supports the heart. It also strengthens the lungs, regulates elimination of free radicals, enhances fertility, helps the urinary system, improves skin quality, and promotes healthier hair.

This fruit acts as a body coolant, flushes out toxins, increases vitality, aids in vision care, improves muscle tone, and acts as an antioxidant.

Effective Ways To Solve Hair Problem 

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1. To prevent hair loss
  •  Take 2 tsp amla powder , 2 tsp yogurt  , 1 tsp honey and Warm water.
  •  Take the amla powder in a bowl.
  • Add enough warm water to this to make a paste. Add honey and yogurt to this paste and mix everything together well.
  • Apply this mixture to scalp and hair. Leave it on for half an hour.
  • Rinse it off thoroughly later using lukewarm water.

Yogurt contains lactic acid that exfoliates the scalp to remove dirt and impurities and unclogs hair follicles to nourish the scalp and prevent hair loss. Honey has antioxidant and antibacterial properties that improve scalp health and has been proven to reduce hair loss.

2. For promoting hair growth
  • Take  ½ cup amla powder, 2 eggs
  • Crack open the eggs in a bowl.
  • Beat the eggs until get a fluffy mixture.
  • Add amla powder to this and mix both the ingredients together well.
  • Apply this mixture to scalp and hair.
  • Leave it on for 1 hour.
  • Rinse it off thoroughly using cold water.

Rich in proteins and essential minerals, eggs nourish the hair follicles to promote hair growth.

3. For dandruff
  • Take 1 tbsp amla juice, 2 tbsp coconut oil .
  • Take the amla juice in a bowl.
  • Add coconut oil to this and mix well.
  • Apply this mixture on scalp and gently massage scalp for a few minutes.
  • Leave it on for about an hour.
  • Rinse it off thoroughly and shampoo hair as usual.

Coconut oil penetrates deep into the hair follicles to prevent hair damage and combat hair issues such as dandruff.

4. To prevent premature greying of hair
  • Take 2 tbsp amla powder, 3 tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp fenugreek powder (methi)
  • Take the amla powder in a bowl.
  • Add coconut oil and fenugreek powder to this and put it on low flame.
  • Let the mixture simmer until you see a brown residue forming.
  • Take it off the flame and allow it to cool down to room temperature. Strain the mixture and collect it in a separate bowl.
  • Apply this mixture on scalp and hair.
  • Leave it on overnight. Wash it off in the morning with a mild shampoo and let hair air dry.
5. For itchy scalp
  • Take Amla oil (as needed)
  • Take a few drops of amla oil on fingertips.
  • Gently massage the oil on scalp in circular motions for a couple of minutes.
  • Leave it on for 25-30 minutes.
  • Rinse it off thoroughly later and shampoo hair using a mild shampoo.

The vitamin C present in amla oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe the scalp and nourish the scalp. Therefore Amla for hair growth and hair problem is superb.

Uses of Amla for Hair Growth in Different Ways

1)Amla masks 

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  • Mix 1 teaspoon Amla powder in 1 teaspoon coconut oil. After this boil it. When it gets cold, apply it in hair and leave it on the hair for 30 to 40 minutes. After that wash hair with cold water.
  • Soak 2 teaspoons of gooseberry or amla powder in a vessel and squeeze it in the morning and take out the water. Add some amount of lemon juice inside this water. Now apply it on head like a shampoo and wash hair.
  • Take out the gooseberry or amla juice. After this, add a few drops of coconut oil and lemon juice. After this, apply this mixture in hair and wash it with lukewarm water after 25 to 30 minutes. This will correct hair texture.
  • Mix equal amount of Shikhakai and Amla powder.After this, prepare a paste by adding water to it. Apply this paste to hair.Leave this paste in the hair for 30 to 40 minutes.After this wash hair with cold water.
  • Put henna powder and amla juice in a bowl. Mix it and prepare a paste. Apply this paste on the hair.After a few hours wash the hair with cold water. It is very helpful in making hair strong and shiny.
  • Make a paste of basil and amla powder and massage this paste on the hair scalp. Leave it for half an hour. After this wash the hair with shampoo. This is a very effective for the problem of dandruff.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of amla juice , 2 tablespoons of almond oil and mix well. Apply this mixture on hair and massage the scalp. Wait for about three hours and wash it off with a mild shampoo.
  • Take 3 tablespoons of amla powder and 4 tablespoons of henna powder. Add a teaspoon of fenugreek powder to this and combine all with water to make a smooth paste. For extra conditioning and shine, add an egg white. Keep the mixture for an hour . Apply this on hair & scalp. Wait for 45 minutes before shampooing off.

2)Amla oil

  • Take a little gooseberry or amla and cut it into small pieces and make a fine paste.Mix this paste in hair oil or coconut oil and tighten the bottle lid tightly.It will take a week for the gooseberry oil to mix well.After a week, filter the oil and fill it in a clean bottle.
  • Cut the amla into small pieces and then keep it for three to four days to dry.After three days, mix dry pieces of Indian gooseberry with coconut pan.Apply this prepared oil to hair scalp. Using this oil daily reduces hair fall.
  • Take one-fourth cup of coconut oil before bedtime and lukewarm it. Add amla and heat it for one minute before turning off the gas. Apply a massage on scalp when it is cold. Then wash it in the morning.
  • Amla oil can strengthen hair follicles and reduce hair fall. This also improves blood circulation, stimulates the scalp and promotes hair growth. Its anti-bacterial properties keep dandruff and itchy scalp at bay. Warm the oil a bit before application, do this twice a week.

3)Amla Hair tonic

  • Take two to three gooseberries or amla and extract their juice.Apply the gooseberry or amla juice directly to hair and with the help of fingers massage it well on scalp. Applying fresh Amla juice to the roots of hair boosts collagen levels and improves hair growth. Massage the juice in scalp for about 5 minutes and let stay for 10 minutes. Wash off with a mild shampoo and lukewarm water.
  • Amla is an herbal supplement that can reverse greying hair as well as restore shine to dull and dry hair. Take a few pieces of Amla and its juice, add some water and boil it for 30 minutes. Let this water cool down and then strain it to remove solid particles. Use this hair tonic to wash hair.
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2 thoughts on “Amla for Hair Growth

  1. Hi there,

    Great post! Super interesting.
    Please let me know where I could find sources for the information you mention!

    Thank you,

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